Category: Structure jewelry
Möbius bracelet in Silver 925
The Möbius band is a band with only one side and one edge. It is a symbol of eternity.

MicroRNA jewelry in Silver 925.
Lin-4 microRNA, a 21 nucleotide long RNA molecule, binds to lin14 mRNA from the roundworm C. elegans. Each bead corresponds to one nucleotide.
Silver jewelry inspired by the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Necklace & earrings.

Nobel Jewelry at the Museum of Medical History, December 8-19, 2024
The Nobel Prizes in Physiology/Medicine, Physics and Chemistry was celebrated at the Museum of Medical History in Uppsala.

The exhibition displays mikroRNA, Top-7 protein and Hopfieldnätverket as silver jewelry. They are all associated with the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine, Chemistry and Physics. kvantprickar, mitokontriellt DNA, pseudouridin, CRISPR, kapsaicin and Hepatitis C are included in the exhibition.
Along the walls you see proteins formed in silver wire that previously were awarded the Nobel Prize. From myoglobin to the brake protein, CTLA-4.
Uppsala historic Christmas market, December 7&8, 2024
An fantastic Christmas market at St. Erik's Square. First year with Uppsala's historic Christmas market in a unique setting, between Uppsala Cathedral and Saluhallen.

It was a really festive Christmas market. Lots of Christmas music and lots of people.

Thanks to all of you who stopped by me and my silver jewelry inspired by science. 🤶
Christmas market at Herresta Lada, December 14th & 15th 2024

The last Christmas market of the year will be on Sunday, the third Advent, at Herrestad Lada.
Take the opportunity to book a go'fika at the cozy café and visit us as an exhibitor. Why not buy the last Christmas present?
Nobel jewelry at the Medical History Museum in Uppsala

This year's Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine is recognized at the Medical History Museum in Uppsala. On Sunday, December 8 at 1:30 p.m., Professor Fredrik Söderbom will lecture: "Small molecule plays a big role - microRNA in worms!".
My exhibition "Nobel jewelry" opens at 14:30. Warm welcome!
Nobel Prize jewelry 2024
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2024 was awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun ”for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation”.
They are awarded for the discovery of a fundamental principle of how gene activity is regulated. They discovered that microRNAs, a new class of very small RNA molecules, play a crucial role. A microRNA from the lin-4 gene was shown to be complementary to sequences in a lin-14 mRNA.
Nobel prize jewelry is lin-4 mikroRNA/lin14-mRNA in silver 925 where each bead corresponds to one nucleotide.

The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2024 was awarded to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks”
They have develop methods that are the foundation of today’s powerful machine learning. John Hopfield’s associative memory is built so that all the nodes are connected to each other. Information is fed in and read out from all the nodes
Nobel prize jewelry is a Hopfield network containing 4 nodes where all are connected to each others.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2024 was awarded to David Baker “for computational protein design”, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper “for protein structure prediction”.
They are awarded partly for the discovery of being able to build de novo designed proteins, partly for achieving the dream of being able to predict the structure of proteins based on the amino acid sequence.
Nobel prize jewelry is three dimensional structure of Top7 in silver 925. David Baker designed the first de novo protein, Top7. It was completely unlike any known protein. As a protein crystallographer, it feels good to be able to shape a protein as this year's Nobel prize in chemistry.

Upcoming Christmas markets
November 28, 2024
Cytiva, Uppsala
December 4 & 5, 2024
Ljusgården, Science Park, Dag Hammarskjöls väg 28, Uppsala
December 7 & 8, 2024
Uppsala Historiska Julmarknad, S:t Eriks torg
December 14 & 15, 2024
Herresta Lada, Odensala, Märsta
Nobel jewelry 2024
microRNA, Hopfield netwerk and the de novo design protein Top7
You will find this years silver jewelry inspired by the Nobel Prize in Medicin, Physics and Chemistry at the Nobel museum in Stockholm.

New delivery to the Nobel Museum
A new delivery to the Nobel Museum. ☺
It wasn't just Nobel jewelry like Hepatitis C, mitochondrial DNA and the laser pulse. For the first time, it was also my design of the Möbius strip and my silver hearts. I cast silver hearts in coal of the silver that is leftover when I make my science jewelry. They will now be available in the shop at the Nobel Museum.