Jewelry for July 2018

The molecule in July is the major cat allergen, Fel d1.

Cat allergen.

The jewelry shows the three-dimensional structure of an allergen, Fel d1. The cat produces several allergens where the protein Fel d1 is considered to be the major cat allergen. The cat allergen is found in the cat’s saliva, fur and tallow pads.


Glucagon is a blood sugar-regulating hormone.

Glucagon as necklace and earrings.


Necklace and earring of glucagon in 1.5mm and 1mm silver wire, respectively.


Insulin is a hormone which lowers blood sugar levels.

Insulin as necklace and earrings.

Necklace and earring of insulin in 1 mm silver wire.

Testosterone bracelet in silver

Bracelet of testosterone in silver wire with O atoms as silver balls.

Testosterone bracelet with adjustable leather strap.

It’s the primary male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.


Major timothy grass pollen
Birch pollen
Major cat allergen




Three-dimensional crystal structures of three common allergens.